Writing result-oriented ad copy is difficult, as it must appeal to, entice, and convince consumers to take action.
If you're a Nova member and would like to share your news, please email it over to info@nova-wd.org.uk.
What will this mean for VCSE organisations?
Help to highlight the VCSE experience of commissioning - and in particular the experience of fitting VCSE activity into social value questions and frameworks.
67% of the VCSE workforce in the UK is female.
Running a sports club isn’t easy, but you don’t have to figure it all out alone. Join other local organisations learning how to adapt and finding practical advice at these free workshops.
Share your experience of using research in your work, and what barriers there might be to doing so.
We’re working with partners on Sport For Good West Yorkshire, a free programme of mentoring and workshops on key priorities for sports clubs and organisations. This project is funded by the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Senior leaders across the VCSE and statutory sectors have met regularly to discuss a common vision for the VCSE sector and take practical steps towards it.
This new research project is focused on improving professional and wellbeing support for the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) paid workforce.
Since its launch in July 2024, the WYCAS Abacus Project has made remarkable progress in connecting skilled individuals with local charities in need of financial management support.
Round 16 of Live Well Wakefield Small Grants is here to help you provide low level mental health support for working age adults (ages 26-50).
We have been notified by members that they have received scam emails.
The first VCSE Voices Network meeting in 2025 "was full of hope and positivity".
Citizen Coin is now the place to advertise your volunteering opportunities in Wakefield District and reward your volunteers.
Grants of £10,000 to £25,000 per year are available through the Third Sector Framework, funding VCSE organisations that support communities with the highest deprivation and poorest health outcomes in Wakefield City Centre.
It’s becoming more and more challenging for VCSE organisations to keep delivering their services that support and enrich communities.
Are you passionate about justice and equality? Do you want to be part of a movement that creates real, lasting change?
Join our AGM to hear a recap of our year, explore the challenges our sector is facing, and network with Nova Members and partners.
Local VCSE organisations know what their communities need. We've opened another funding opportunity where they can decide what to fund.
Our partners have launched a new collaboration to make sure that every child in Wakefield District has a comfortable bed to sleep in.
An update from Kim Shutler, VCSE Lead for West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board & Senior Responsible Officer for Power of Communities.
AI is becoming part of everyday life – from using Google Maps to email software – so we were interested to see how it could benefit VCSE organisations.
£20,000 awarded to local organisations, who came together to present their pitch and decide what to fund.
Our Lead Community Mental Health Builder, Rachel Hale, has been meeting with colleagues from SWYPFT and West Yorkshire Police around Right Care, Right Person. This policy has raised some concerns within the VCSE sector relating to welfare checks, especially over the Winter Period.
Our House has become a lifeline for so many local LGBTQ+ people across Wakefield District, and they have welcomed over 3000 people through their doors in the short 18 months since they first opened. Now, they need our help!
West Yorkshire Violence Reduction Partnership are currently considering the potential delivery of a community leadership development programme to run from early 2024. Express your interest by Monday 8 January!
We asked our members, colleagues and partners what they thought of our celebration on Wednesday 6 December, here's what they told us...
It's not long until we wrap up our work for 2023, so you can find our closing times here.
Grants are available through the Third Sector Framework to support VCSE organisations to deliver open access youth provision for children and young people aged 11 – 17 years (up to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities).
Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) are running a new district wide campaign on what it means to be professionally curious and challenging in the district.
YPO are kindly looking to donate a wide range of furniture to local VCSE organisations.
Share your views with CAF by 20 December and be in with a chance of winning a £250 donation for your charity.
The Hub of Hope is the UK’s leading mental health support database.
SEYH represent, promote and connect social enterprise across the region. It's time for their annual awards!
Each month we showcase the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District. We hope you enjoy hearing from CoActive Arts!
Some VCSE organisations currently based in The Ridings are looking for new premises - can you help?
Each month we'll be showcasing the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District. We hope you enjoy hearing from Heavy Metal Therapy!
Our teams got together in December for a very important cause - making sure that children in care and their families received gifts over the festive season!
It was brilliant to see so many of you at our first in-person AGM since 2019! Here are some highlights from the event.
We're pleased to announce we have a new Chair of Trustees, Chris Bann, and a new Vice Chair, Simon Topham.
A new report has been released - Third Sector Trends in England and Wales 2022: employees, volunteers, diversity and investment in people.
It's not long until we wrap up our work for 2022, you can find our closing times here.
An all-new Citizens Advice service has opened its doors in Pinderfields Hospital.
We're thrilled to have launched VCSE Voices, an initiative to recruit VCSE Advocates from our sector to attend district-wide decision-making boards to influence policy and create positive change.
There's a range of information below for you and people that engage with your organisation's activities and services.
We're really proud of what we achieved in 2021-22, see what you think!
Each month we'll be showcasing the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District.
Residents of the Warwick Estate began sharing recipes in lockdown and the food initiative now reaches 70 families, in a programme managed by Warwick Ahead.
Funding is available for voluntary organisations, non-profits, charities and CICs in the Wakefield District through fundraising website easyfundraising.
The £20 Universal Credit uplift ended at the end of September. Did you know that you could receive additional support and advice around the recent changes to Universal Credit? Find out more here.
The movement is part of an ongoing commitment to tackle structural and institutionalised racism, as well as addressing health and social inequalities across the area.
Community>Wakefield - the new place for services, activities, opportunities and events across Wakefield District.
Each month we'll be showcasing the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District. We hope that you enjoy learning more about....
The Nova team would like to thank volunteers for their inspiring and incredible work to support people and organisations across the Wakefield District.
We have asked community organisations to provide us with information and stories so we can highlight the brilliant work that volunteers are doing throughout Wakefield District during the pandemic.
13 projects have been awarded funding through the recent Live Well Wakefield Small Grants – Coronavirus Resilience Fund.
Our annual Community Anchor Network conference, #CANCon20 took place on 10 March 2020.
The Wakefield District Third Sector Strategy 2020 - 23 has now been published.