Members Area



Welcome to the Nova Members Area

Here you will find lots of useful resources and guides on a range of topics, to help support your organisation to thrive.

You can also add job, training/event and funding opportunities for your organisation, which will appear on the Nova website. This is free and is included in your membership.

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VCSE Voices Network Meeting: In Partnership with Connecting Wakefield


Understand the Essentials of Full Cost Recovery: April Workshop

Post a job
Post training or event
Post funding opportunity
Post on Noticeboard
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We hope you'll find our new noticeboard a helpful place to reach out to other members! Posts will be checked before being published and please don't promote events, jobs etc. that can shared elsewhere on the website. You cannot reply directly to posts so if someone shares something you'd like to follow up on, use the email address displayed.

Using the new member noticeboard

Amaheree Society is a vibrant, women-led community group based in Wakefield. We are currently seeking a dedicated volunteer to join our community as an English teacher. The role involves providing face-to-face English lessons to our members, helping them improve their language skills, and thereby enhancing their confidence and opportunities.

Looking for English Teacher Volunteer!

I am looking for anyone interested in being a Non-Executive Director which will support the development of a new CIC which our current project Funtime Games will sit under. I am particularly keen to talk to anyone who has skills or experience in one or more of the following areas: finance & business development (but not limited to)

Looking for Non-Executive Director
Traning course calendar

Training and Events