It is key that the VCSE sector is at the heart of decision-making and works in collaboration with partners to improve services, so that they meet the needs of people who live in out district. It is Nova's role to facilitate this.
Our colleagues in the VCSE sector see how decisions affect our local communities. We give them to opportunity to be part of these decisions and use their experience to make positive change.
We do this through VCSE Voices, our project that recruits and supports members of our sector to attend strategic, decision making meetings across the district. This provides an opportunity for our sector to influence policy and take part in cross-sector discussions.
VCSE Advocates champion the sector, providing knowledge and insight about the needs of VCSE groups and the diverse communities they serve. Advocates share information from and to the sector, facilitated by monthly VCSE Voices Network meetings - a peer discussion space open to all colleagues from the sector.
We aim to have the VCSE sector being fully represented at every level of decision making. Nova continues to provide representation at strategic boards.