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Member Spotlight: Grow Wakefield

Member Spotlight: Grow Wakefield

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Each month we'll be showcasing the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District.

Introducing...Grow Wakefield

Grow Wakefield started off in 2010 as a small community group in Horbury but has since grown into a hugely successful, district wide social enterprise with a social mission “to develop innovative local food initiatives that help as many people as possible to enjoy the many benefits that come from learning to grow your own food.”

From 2012 onwards we were called Incredible Edible Wakefield, but in June 2021 we changed our name to Grow Wakefield to differentiate ourselves from the many other Incredible Edible projects across the country.

What is your organisation’s vision for Wakefield District?
Our vision has always been of an expanding network of local groups and we have so far established 13 community allotment gardens across the district, each with a group of plot holders who we then support in running their own edible gardening clubs.

As this network has grown so have the opportunities to help more individuals and organisations establish a variety of other local initiatives so we now have community orchards, schools networks, and “Sheds” woodworking groups which also come under the Grow Wakefield banner.

What project are you working on that you’re most proud of?
Our major achievements have been:

  • We’ve created over 115 mini allotment plots across the district.
  • 96% of our beneficiaries have increased the percentage of household fruit and vegetables they grow themselves.
  • Over 98% of beneficiaries reported that their involvement had improved their mental and physical health with 49% reporting great improvement.

Any project, volunteer or staff member that you’d like to highlight?
We couldn't have achieved these outcomes without a small number of paid workers obtaining commissions and funding to run sessions and a large number of volunteers looking for the opportunity to grow their own food, learn new skills and willing to give their time to create and manage new community growing spaces.

Fun fact about your organisation
We’ve created community mini allotments in churchyards, community centre grounds, private gardens, overgrown allotments plots and even on the roof of the Ridings shopping centre!!

What do you like about being a Nova member?
We’ve been a NOVA member for almost 10 years now and couldn’t have got where we are without their support.

How can local organisations and the public support you?
Our tagline is “From Unloved Spaces to Food Growing Places” and we are always looking for new locations to transform into community mini allotments, volunteers to help us do so, experienced growers to lead sessions and partner organisations to work with.

If people would like to get involved, how do they contact you?
You can contact Grow Wakefield by emailing, finding them on Facebook (@GrowWakefield), or by calling 07971 098510.



Oct 20, 2021

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