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Why do we need to be professionally curious?

Why do we need to be professionally curious?

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Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) are running a new district wide campaign on what it means to be professionally curious and challenging in the district.

Learning from safeguarding audits and reviews has told us we need to better embed:

  • What it means to be professionally curious and challenging in the Wakefield District
  • Why it is important
  • What to listen and look out for
  • How to check what is being said
  • What resources can be used to support you in your role

WSCP has produced some resources to support those who work or volunteer with children and families to support practitioners to have the knowledge and confidence in practicing effective professional curiosity and challenge on an every day basis. These are resources include:

What is the purpose?

All the resources aim to raise awareness and provide guidance about how to be professionally curious and challenging in the district.

These resources should be used in several ways:

  • For personal professional development
  • Team meetings / peer support sessions
  • Part of single and multi-agency training
  • Reflect on as part of supervision

How can you help?

You can help by supporting the campaign, using and sharing all the resources which have been developed. You can do this by:

  • Share key messages and graphics on your service socia media accounts and across your networks
  • Share and disseminate the video to your networks:
  • Use and share the learning briefing on professional curiosity and challenge
  • Provide an opportunity for staff to review the resources and supporting guidance available in supervision and team briefings
Dec 13, 2023