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3 Highlights from Our AGM 22-23

3 Highlights from Our AGM 22-23

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We asked our members, colleagues and partners what they thought of our celebration on Wednesday 6 December, here's what they told us...

1. "Good to see some familiar faces and new ones"

Seeing our members, colleagues and partners chatting away and connecting over projects, ideas and suggestions was a definite highlight of our AGM. Bringing people together is what we're all about so we were thrilled that attendees found 'networking with other members' to be the most valuable part of the event.

"It was a meeting with a good vibe, lots of attentive and interested people attending. It provided a good opportunity to network."

If you enjoyed connecting with members, keep in touch! Connecting Wakefield is our regular networking space for anyone working or volunteering at a Wakefield-based VCSE organisation. It's run by the sector, for the sector.


The key takeaway for our Contracts and Grants Manager, Scott, was...

"PROGRESS! It was awesome to hear from three of our VCSE Advocates on their experiences so far and reflect back on how, at last years AGM, VCSE Voices was just a plan / desire which is now starting to make a real difference to representation of the VCSE sector across Wakefield District. Other pieces of work, like the relaunch of the Third Sector Strategy, are in their infancy but hopefully come next years AGM there will be some real tangible updates to share."

It was brilliant to hear thoughts on our work and the progress we've been making. One significant development that we spoke about was our new Business Plan, What's Next for Nova, which we were thrilled to announce and share at our AGM. Keep an eye out for a summary of our Business Plan and what it means for you, coming soon!

"It was really insightful to see the impact the VCSE sector is having and how/where the money is being spent."

3. "The thing that really stuck with me was the VCSE Voices talk"

Wow! What incredible feedback we've had about our VCSE Advocates, who spoke about their experiences of advocating for the sector at strategic, decision-making meetings. Thank you to:

  • Chris Bingham (Pontefract Reads) who attends The Early Years Strategic Partnership Board
  • Katty Keyhani (Alzheimer’s Society) who attends The Health and Wellbeing Board
  • Madeleine France (Blossom Training & Development) who attends The Safer Together Partnership

Their honest and uplifting talks about the importance of this work, despite its challenges, really made an impact.

"The number of strategic boards that the VCSE sector have representatives on through Nova members and VCSE Advocates is amazing. It’s important that the voice of the VCSE sector is heard and taken into account, and it’s important for statutory services to understand the powerful impact the VCSE sector has and it’s wide spreading impact. These relationships made through representatives on strategic boards are important in the VCSE sector being considered an important partner in health and social care and it was inspiring to hear the experiences and dedication of the advocates sitting on the boards."

We're so proud of this project and all the Advocates who make it possible. "The theme that came through for me heavily is the partnership working, Nova creating opportunities/platforms for voices to be heard in powerful places and fall on the right listening ears."

Learn more about the project, how you can share information with Advocates, and how you can support this work.

A quick summary of the AGM business for anyone who wasn't able to attend: Our Chair, Chris Bann, led us through the AGM business and...

  • The minutes of the last AGM were accepted
  • Christy Lau from Slade & Cooper presented the Annual Report and Accounts 22-23, which were accepted
  • Slade & Cooper were reappointed as Auditors
  • One Director retired from the Board - Emily Castle
  • Four Directors were appointed - Chris Bann, Simon Topham, Usman Ali and Antony Nelson

Thank you to everyone who took the time to join us, we really appreciate your support. We hope that you came away inspired and excited about the work that Nova is doing, and we're looking forward to sharing more with you in 2024.

One of our team said "it’s so important that the hard work people are doing is given a platform and this was the highlight of the day for me." We couldn't agree more!

If you'd like to discuss any of the projects mentioned or find support for your organisation, get in touch at

Dec 14, 2023