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Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange

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Member Spotlight: Wakefield Trinity Amateur Boxing Club

Each month we showcase the amazing organisations that make up our membership and the important work they do across the Wakefield District. We hope you enjoy hearing from Wakefield Trinity Amateur Boxing Club!
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Unsung Heroes Awards: Make Your Nomination

In this, its seventh year, the Community Foundation is once again running its annual campaign to celebrate the outstanding contributions made by volunteers from across the Wakefield District.
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NEW RESOURCE: Communications Resource Pack

Branding, social media, making video content - it's all an important part of running a VCSE organisation and this resource pack is a great place to start!
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Applications Now Open: Award-Winning Leadership Development Programme

The Fellowship Programme is for colleagues from ethnic minorities aspiring to move into senior leadership.
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Can You Help? Health Care Engagement Project

The health care engagement project aims to talk to people about their experiences and ideas to find out the barriers to healthcare and how they can be overcome. Can you help us spread the word?
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Got anything to share with local young people?

Young Lives Consortium have launched a 16+ area of WF-I-Can for sharing short articles, top tips and useful info.

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