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Unsung Heroes Awards: Make Your Nomination

Unsung Heroes Awards: Make Your Nomination

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In this, its seventh year, the Community Foundation is once again running its annual campaign to celebrate the outstanding contributions made by volunteers from across the Wakefield District.

Who is the special someone in your community that goes that extra mile? The person who volunteers to help make other people’s lives that bit better, or simply puts a smile on people’s faces by bringing the community together.

They represent a hidden army that, put simply, changes people’s lives on a daily basis within their local communities. They may run/organise local activities, donate their time to a local cause/charity or simply go above and beyond the norm to help others. If you know someone whose selfless actions slip under the radar when they deserve to be recognised, please nominate them.

Community Foundation are looking for people who have contributed their efforts to helping people or who have made a difference in so many potential ways. They may have run/organised activities, or supported older people and families including areas such as:

  • Sport & culture
  • Disability or mental health
  • Illness or bereavement
  • Befriending or caring
  • Delivering medicines or food parcels
  • Our environment

but they are not exclusive. If you know of someone involved in another activity area, then please nominate them.

Nominees must

  • Be Unpaid Volunteers
  • Be delivering something extraordinary, regularly going beyond the call of duty
  • Reside and/or work within the Wakefield Metropolitan District which includes the Five Towns
  • Be nominated by an individual or organisation for whom, or with whom, they have been active for a reasonable period, and fulfil the other criteria (above)
  • Be aged 7 or above (nominated 7-18 year-olds will compete in a special Outstanding Young Person category)
  • Nominations are encouraged from all parts of the Wakefield Metropolitan District, and every sector of society

Please make your nomination today and fill in the form on Community Foundation's website.

The closing date for applications is Friday, 26 May 2023.

May 23, 2023