When: December 2024 / January 2025
Funder: Wakefield Council / Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership
Amount awarded: £40,000
What the fund is about: One grant of up to £40,000 for a VCSE organisation or partnership to support vulnerable women and those with a cervix across Wakefield District to participate in cervical screening and to educate individuals about the health benefits associated with regular screening.
The purpose is to increase cervical screening uptake among vulnerable women and those with a cervix (including those experiencing substance misuse, homelessness, commercial sex work, and domestic violence) by providing tailored outreach, education, and support to access mobile screening services. The aim is to reduce barriers to screening and improve health outcomes for these groups within 12 months.
Asda Foundation recognises the importance of supporting young people, with a particular focus on their mental health and wellbeing. This year, the Foundation are providing grants to support their development.
Grants for capital projects are available to small and medium-sized charities working to assist homeless people to rebuild their lives and return to the community.
An £800k fund available for projects in Yorkshire and The Humber to explore ideas along the 5 YPIP themes, with small and large grants available.