Information about
Research Focus Group: Improving support for South Asian carers living in the UK
Are you interested in helping to shape culturally relevant social prescribing services? Do you work in healthcare, the voluntary and community sector or in another role linked to social prescribing?
Researchers from Queen Mary University of London need your help to better understand what the priorities should be for improving support for South Asian carers living in the UK.
What is involved?
A single online focus group on MS Teams, lasting no more than 90 minutes, with a break. Choose from one of the following sessions:
- 19/03/25, 1:30pm
- 25/03/25, 1:30pm
The option to take part in additional co-production activities(e.g. workshops in Sept).
Who can take part?
You must work in England and have experience/knowledge of the challenges facing minority ethnic communities through your job such as (but not limited to):
- Social prescribing link worker/community connector/navigator
- Working in the VCSE sector
You will be offered a £25 voucher for your time.
Please get in touch with Dr Abi Woodward to find out more: