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NEW RESOURCE: Communications Resource Pack

NEW RESOURCE: Communications Resource Pack

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Branding, social media, making video content - it's all an important part of running a VCSE organisation and this resource pack is a great place to start!

Thank you to Wakefield's Mental Health Community Builders (Amy, Sophie and Rachel) for putting this Communications Resource Pack together. Their aim is to raise awareness of the wonderful support and opportunities available within VCSE organisations across Wakefield District.

The Community Builder roles sit within the Wakefield Mental Health Transformation and Amy, Sophie and Rachel work on many different projects including hosting scoping workshops, developing training opportunities and offering advice to VCSE organisations on topics such as funding, communications and more. Their aim is to help build links between statutory health services and VCSE organisations so members of the public can access the best support possible for them.

They've created this resource in response to an ask from signposting professionals, so they can share information about your organisation and the services you offer with patients who may be interested.

The resource pack covers:

  • What is comms & why is it important?
  • Branding
  • Establishing core values
  • Creating content
  • Social media
  • How to take good photos
  • Creating engaging video content
  • What information should I include in comms?
  • Further links

Download your free copy of the Communications Resource Pack.

May 22, 2023