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Enable Unity CIC (t/a Sensory Planet)

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Get involved in new West Yorkshire Voice to help influence health and care decisions

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is passionate about making sure the voice of people is central to its work.
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Charities face uncertain months ahead

Charities have been a lifeline to millions this winter – providing food, warmth and support for the vulnerable.
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Report: Wakefield District Gypsy and Traveller Health Needs Assessment

The final version of the Wakefield District Gypsy and Traveller Health Needs Assessment (HNA) is now available, by our member Leeds GATE in partnership with Wakefield Council. 
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Free Fire Safety Visits for Residents

Please share information about this free service with any people that your organisation works with.
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Over £1.2 million donated to VCSE organisations - get your share!

VCSE organisations in Wakefield District have just received a share of £1.2 million in easyfundraising donations, meaning they can update their facilities, buy new equipment, and improve their services!
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Looking for a space to hire in Wakefield District?

We've got an updated list of community venues across Wakefield District for your meetings, groups or events.
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What matters most for the VCSE sector in Wakefield District?

Attend our workshop to have your say on Nova's priorities for the next 3 years and how we can improve.
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Culture Grants Information Sessions

Culture Everywhere Micro Grants from Wakefield Council are now open for applications - attend an information session to learn more.

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