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Free Fire Safety Visits for Residents

Free Fire Safety Visits for Residents

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Please share information about this free service with any people that your organisation works with.

Safe and Well is a free service offered by West Yorkshire Fire Service, in which firefighters or dedicated prevention officers visit members of our community in their own homes. Officers will then carry out a fire risk assessment and offer tailored advice and interventions to help reduce the risk of fire in their property.

Places can be booked here.

During a Safe and Well visit, an officer will:

  • Accompany you to assess fire safety in every room in your property
  • Identify and make you aware of the potential fire risks in your home
  • Make sure you know what to do in order to reduce or prevent these risks
  • Discuss with you, a bed-time routine that will help keep you safe at night
  • Help you put together an escape plan in case a fire breaks out in the future
  • Ensure you have a working smoke alarm, and ensure you know how to test and maintain it
  • Give basic advice on topics such as:
  • Crime prevention
  • Falls prevention
  • Cold homes
  • Smoking cessation
  • Social isolation
  • Assess the need for free interventions to help you reduce the risk of fire in your home
  • Refer you (with your permission of course) to agencies that may offer further help to keep you safe and well.

Who is the service available for?

Not everybody will qualify for a Safe and Well visit. West Yorkshire Fire Service assess all referrals to ensure that they are focusing their time on those who are most at risk of fire. If you are deemed as being low risk, West Yorkshire Fire Service offer a free interactive online resource to help you conduct your own fire safety check. Once completed, you are provided with a personal advice sheet to print off or keep electronically.

To see if you are eligible for a Safe and Well visit, please complete the online request form on the West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service website.

Mar 1, 2023