Information about

Wakefield District Food Partnership Launch

This event, which follows on from the first Wakefield Food Summit held last year, will see the formal launch of the Wakefield District Good Food Partnership. The aim of which is to help establish a healthier, productive and sustainable food system right across the Wakefield District, bringing people together to share ideas, knowledge, learning and skills around all aspects of healthier and sustainable food.

The Wakefield Food Partnership Development Group is made up of a number of varied public, private and VCSE sector organisations who have come together to work towards developing a healthier, sustainable and productive food system in the Wakefield District by establishing a local food partnership.

The Partnership are inviting any interested VCSE organisations to attend this launch!

Their Mission

  • For Our People: Ensure everyone has access to healthier, good quality, safe, and affordable food.
  • For Our Prosperity: Build a vibrant, thriving, and diverse food economy.
  • For Our Planet: Develop a food system that supports sustainability and biodiversity

Event Highlights

  • Learn how you can contribute and sign up to be a part of the Wakefield District Food Partnership.
  • Insights from successful food partnerships.
  • Connect with other Wakefield district community members and organisations
  • Enjoy lunch and refreshments prepared by Create Cafe
  • Everyone can play a part in creating a healthier, vibrant and more sustainable Wakefield District food system

If you would like further information about the launch event, the Good Food Partnership (including how to become a member) please email: