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Core20PLUS5 Project Update: Incredible impact of supporting people to attend healthcare appointments in Wakefield District

Core20PLUS5 Project Update: Incredible impact of supporting people to attend healthcare appointments in Wakefield District

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Live Well Wakefield are six months into their brilliant project that's helping local people attend healthcare appointments.

So how it's been going? Ellen Harrison, Core20PLUS5 Project Lead, has written an update for you...

Our successes

The Core20PLUS5 Project is now 6 months old and we have had many successes and learnt many lessons along the way. We have supported individuals to over 40 important healthcare appointments and received 100% positive feedback from all of our clients. 100% of our clients reported improvement in their confidence to attend appointments during project support.

"If I had known about this support I would have gone to my appointment months ago"

What's changed?

When we started the Core20PLUS5 Project, who could refer in for the appointment support was limited . We learnt quickly that the service needed to be offered district wide and that our pathways needed to be more open. Therefore, our support is now offered to all Wakefield District Residents who are struggling to attend their healthcare appointments. Individuals can now be referred by any professional or self refer rather than having to go through their GP.

"With a volunteer being on hand, my worries had gone. Great to have this support in the future!"

Our peer support volunteers

Our Peer Support Volunteers support individuals struggling to attend their appointments. They are DBS checked and thoroughly trained, many of our volunteers have lived experience and support through, guidance in using public transport, navigation to and around the appointment, providing company in waiting rooms and can often be found at one of our wellbeing drop ins. if you have any questions.

Our wellbeing drop in sessions

Live Well Wakefield is always keen to work in partnership with local VCSE organisations to bring sustainable personalised care options to local residents, and this project is a great example of that.

The project is delivered in partnership with two local Community Anchors - St Swithun’s and St Mary’s - who now run a Wellbeing Drop in for those who are in need of support to healthcare appointments and general advice.

How can your organisation support?

  • Read a little bit about the project so you know who might benefit and how it can help them
  • Signpost anyone you think might benefit from this support - to the project website page or 01924 255363
  • Support them to complete the short self-referral form
  • Share Live Well Wakefield's social media posts about the project
  • Print and display the latest poster (pdf) about the project (with newly updated information)

A bit more about the project

We often get questions regarding what appointments we can support to, we support to any healthcare appointment such as:

  • GP
  • Hospital
  • Dentist
  • Physiotherapy
  • Chiropractor
  • Talking Therapies
  • Mental Health
  • Memory Clinic
  • Opticians
  • Chiropodist

If you are ever unsure on whether the appointment needing support will fit our criteria, please send us an email or phone the office and we’ll be happy to guide you in the right direction.

Keep reading on Live Well Wakefield's website to find out more about this free support and the short online referral form.

Aug 29, 2024