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VCSE Organisations Receive £60k To Boost Neurodivergent Support and Activities for Young Adults in Wakefield District

VCSE Organisations Receive £60k To Boost Neurodivergent Support and Activities for Young Adults in Wakefield District

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Live Well Wakefield Small Grants has funded seven local organisations to offer important health and wellbeing support.

We opened Round 15 of this popular fund in June 2024.

Live Well Wakefield is a social prescribing service that empowers people to access resources in their communities that will enable them to feel happier and healthier. These grants support this service, funding VCSE organisations to respond to gaps identified within communities. This round focused on:

  • Neurodivergent Support – specifically Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Support services and groups may help with pre and/or post diagnosis.
  • Social and/or wellbeing activities for younger adults(18-30) – these activities would predominantly be outside of normal working hours and not focus exclusively on physical activity.

The funding was a bit different to previous rounds, new and improved:

  • We offered grants up to £10,000, an increase from the previous limit of £8,000
  • For the first time, organisations could apply for funding for two years – increasing the sustainability of projects and encouraging established relationships

£59,808.98 was awarded this month! We’re thrilled to tell you about the organisations and projects that were successful…

What was funded?

Blossom Training and Development


Blossom Training & Development CIC empower individuals through tailored training programs addressing specific community needs. Their flagship EmPowHer project aims to foster confidence, empowerment, and a sense of safety among women in our communities. This 10-week course offers a supportive and inclusive environment where participants can learn self-defence skills and engage in mental and physical well-being activities such as painting, mood board creation and yoga. The Live Well funding secured in this round will be focused on younger adults aged 18-30, and sessions will take place in the evenings.

Empath Action

Humanising Mental Health

For this new project, Empath Action will be collaborating with Yew Tree Youth Theatre, Spark Youth Arts Ambassadors, and the Mental Health Museum. They will engage with young people aged 18-30 from across the District to co-create a theatre/arts project unlocking and exploring the collection at the Mental Health Museum and the heritage of Stanley Royd hospital, the history of mental health in Wakefield, and how mental health is viewed today. Young people will take part in a series of workshops and explore participant-led activities including theatre performances, artwork creation, and spoken word. These will be showcased for the general public, supported by two of Empath’s own professional actors.

Learnest CIC

Games Night @ Our House

Our House, hosted and funded by Learnest CIC, is Wakefield's dedicated LGBTQ+ community space, offering a safe and inclusive environment where people can be themselves. With this round of Live Well funding, Learnest will run a weekly, social games night every Friday from 4pm to 10pm, aimed primarily at individuals aged 18-30 and open to everyone. A variety of game tables will be on offer, including role-playing games, retro console tournaments, and community board games.

NLY Community Sports

Inclusive Sport Session

Through their inclusive sports sessions, NLY will work with adults with disabilities, learning difficulties and neurodiversity, seeking to improve their health and wellbeing. This new project is an expansion of their existing provision and will run on Monday evenings at Crofton Community Centre. Sessions may include playing pool, cricket and football, but activities will be determined by participants who attend and will include social activities as well as physical, providing a fantastic opportunity for individuals to build new long-standing relationships with others.

Think Cre8tive Group CIC

Funtime Games Hangout

Think Cre8tive have been supporting children and young people through creative gaming for the past 3 years, offering a safe and supportive space to encourage a feeling of belonging. This new project will provide a similar offer for young people over the age of 18, particularly neurodivergent individuals. Participants will take part in organised gaming sessions with a mentor as support, giving them the opportunity to build real relationships and social confidence in an engaging, low risk environment. Specific online games will be chosen collaboratively to ensure participants are engaging in activities they enjoy, are low risk, and do not increase anxiety.  There will also be opportunities through this project for interested participants to take a more active role in the delivery of the sessions, including becoming moderators and acting as peer supporters. 

Turning Lives Around (Sustain Wakefield)

Linking Minds through Art

Partnering with Spectrum People, artist Raychel McGuinn (artist), and with specialist support from Ria Jackson at Inclusive Minds UK, Sustain Wakefield will work with neurodiverse people of all ages. They will deliver a 10-week art workshop exploring ‘masking’ and how ASD & ADHD people cover their feelings to blend into society, and the impact this has on them. The project will help participants communicate with each other and develop focus and meditation techniques within a small group setting (maximum 10 people) to avoid feelings of being overwhelmed. Participants will explore ‘what’s next’ and have the opportunity for 1:1 support.

Turning Minds Around

Support Spectrum

Turning Minds Around provide essential mental health support and counselling services, offering a holistic approach to client care. Funding provided through this round of Live Well Small Grants will enable Turning Minds Around to focus on providing counselling services specifically for people with ASD and ADHD. They will use techniques and therapies proven to be successful in improving the emotional wellbeing of people with ASD and ADHD.


The Live Well Wakefield Small Grants Fund is funded by Wakefield Council and administered by Nova Wakefield District using the Third Sector Framework, a partnership approach developed locally to distribute funding and other capacity building support to the VCSE sector. Read more about what's been funded.

Aug 28, 2024