Information about

Menopause Webinar: In The Workplace

Menopause marks the end of reproductive years for women/people who menstruate, affecting half of the population. In the call for evidence for the Women’s Health Strategy menopause was the third most selected topic for including in the strategy and it identifies a number of ambitions for the 10-year timeframe including education from an early age for girls and boys to increase understanding and reduce stigma, high quality personalised menopause care with better understanding of the symptoms and treatment options among healthcare professionals, and improved support to remain in the workforce. 

The Office for Health Improvement and Disparities are holding a free two-part webinar series which is part of the work of OHID North East and Yorkshire and partners from the NHS, voluntary and community sector and academia. They aim to build knowledge, understanding and confidence about menopause and showcase examples of good practice from the North and beyond.

Webinar 2 will focus on menopause in the workplace. We’ll hear about positive approaches indifferent workplaces, legal routes for challenging menopause-related discrimination and the role of informal menopause networks.