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Horbury Civic Society

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Add Your Organisation to NEW APP for Wakefield Families

Reach local parents, grandparents and carers by adding your organisation's details to this new app.
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I'm a Nova member, is that different from Third Sector Framework membership?

Many of you are Nova members, and some of you may also be members of the Third Sector Framework. One question we get asked a lot is: is there a difference between the two? And what is that difference?
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How to Create An Impactful Comms Plan

Catch up on this helpful workshop with Kat from Wordsmiths Unlimited.
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Sign the Pledge: We #StandWithTrans

#StandWithTrans is a campaign run by Charity So Straight, who aim to make charity workplaces more LGBTQIA+ friendly and inclusive.
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How to Support Young LGBTQIA+ People in Crisis

Crisis Tools have created a guide which explores the unique challenges and obstacles young LGBTQIA+ people face when accessing mental health crisis support.
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Introducing Prosper & Nova Core Grants!

We’re excited to announce a brand new collaboration between Prosper and Nova, aimed at empowering local VCSE organisations through core funding.
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What's the Third Sector Framework?

You may have heard of the Third Sector Framework and wondered what it is, who’s involved, and how it relates to you and your organisation.
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VCSE Voices Network: Coproduction and collaboration in action!

Increasing representation of the VCSE sector at strategic meetings is so important.

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