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Sign the Pledge: We #StandWithTrans

Sign the Pledge: We #StandWithTrans

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#StandWithTrans is a campaign run by Charity So Straight, who aim to make charity workplaces more LGBTQIA+ friendly and inclusive.

Charity So Straight believe that all trans and non-binary people should be able to live, work and access services without facing discrimination. A core part of their mission is to be a voice for all LGBTQIA+ people in the voluntary sector.

They are calling on all charity sector leaders to join them in standing with the trans community, and saying that the charity sector is, and must remain, a safe place for all trans and non-binary people.

Never before have we seen so much hatred directed at the trans and non-binary community. This transphobic movement represents a small but vocal minority. As part of their efforts to halt and roll back LGBTQIA+ inclusion in society at large, these fringe groups are attempting to erase our community from public life. And they are specifically targeting the trans and non-binary community first.

The result of this is an unprecedented level of hatred towards trans people and this is permeating all aspects of daily life. This climate of hate is having a real impact on trans and non-binary people in the workplace with one in four trans people (26%) saying that they aren’t open with anyone at work about being trans. This number increases to about two in five non-binary people (37%) who aren’t out at work.

Charity So Straight recognise that discrimination faced by the trans community is also intertwined with other forms of oppression. Trans and non-binary people not only experience high levels of unemployment, but also homelessness and negative mental health. Discrimination is further compounded for trans people with intersecting identities, with voices of Black and Brown trans people often the first to be silenced, and those of trans women frequently left out of conversations around women’s rights.

At the core of our sector is the desire to empower communities – so how can we do this if we do not openly welcome all those who face discrimination with open arms?

Trans and non-binary people’s lives matter, and the time for our sector to stand up to hate is now!

We've signed the pledge!

Nova fully supports the #StandWithTrans campaign and has signed the pledge.

We encourage all of our members and partners to do the same, and understand the challenges faced by trans people.

Nova's CEO, Maddy Sutcliffe, said...

"Here at Nova, we strive for a truly inclusive workplace, where each of us are welcomed and celebrated for who we are and what we bring. We are constantly learning and taking meaningful action to ensure that Nova is a safe place, where everyone can thrive and reach their potential."

How your organisation can #StandWithTrans

The aim of this campaign visibly speak out in favour of trans people’s human rights. Charity So Straight want to fill people’s social media feeds with positive posts from charity sector leaders, which they hope in turn will lead our sector to have meaningful conversations about trans equity and challenging transphobia, and what that means for their charity and for the sector more broadly.

Charity So Straight recognise that people have different levels of comfort speaking about trans rights, so they have listed a range of ways you can participate in this campaign. They want to make it as easy as possible for you to take part, either personally, or on behalf of your charity. Hopefully there will be something in the list of actions below that you think you could reasonably do.

All Charity So Straight (and Nova) would ask is that you please do something. Because if we all do nothing, nothing will change, and trans people, your trans employees, volunteers and your trans service users will suffer.

Visit to sign the pledge and get involved.

Jul 20, 2023