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Introducing Prosper & Nova Core Grants!

Introducing Prosper & Nova Core Grants!

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We’re excited to announce a brand new collaboration between Prosper and Nova, aimed at empowering local VCSE organisations through core funding.

Prosper and Nova are reimagining the funding landscape.

We’re excited to announce a brand new collaboration between Prosper and Nova, aimed at empowering local VCSE organisations through core funding.

At the heart of our new fund is our genuine desire to listen to the sector’s valuable feedback about how we can simplify and streamline our approach as funders. This means that our new fund:

  1. Combines our funding so that you only need to complete one application, reducing the time burden of writing funding bids so you can focus on what truly matters to your organisation.  
  2. Makes the application process simple and accessible, with longer timescales for you to apply.
  3. Offers core and project funding with minimal restrictions, so you can access support for what you need.

Grants of £500 to £20,000 are available for Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Wakefield District to support core costs, continue existing projects and assist with a new project.

The Fund is made up of £230,000 (£180,000 from Prosper Wakefield District and £50,000 distributed by Nova Wakefield District from the West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board).

We’re delighted to be distributing this grant funding through the Third Sector Framework to ensure the process is open and transparent.

Are you eligible and what will be funded?

This funding is for VCSE organisations such as charities, community groups and social enterprises. Read more about eligibility in the Fund Criteria on the funding page.

Eligible costs include:

  • Project costs
  • Staffing costs and reasonable volunteer expenses
  • Venue hire/lease costs
  • Running costs including utility bills and general overheads
  • Equipment
  • Maintenance or refurbishments of assets/buildings

How can you apply?

Download the Grant Documents on the funding page. Complete the Application Form and return to

Applications close at 12pm on Monday 11 September.

There is an expectation that applicants for this funding will apply to join the Third Sector Framework. For details on the application process, visit Nova’s website.

The Framework operates a tiered approach, ensuring that VCSE organisations of practically all sizes are able to join and benefit. We do however recognise the capacity of micro community groups and would encourage you to get in touch using the details below if you’d like to apply for funding for your group.

Any questions?

Please read through the application documents and attend an information session. If you have any questions, please contact:

Jul 18, 2023