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VCSE Voices Network: Coproduction and collaboration in action!

VCSE Voices Network: Coproduction and collaboration in action!

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Increasing representation of the VCSE sector at strategic meetings is so important.

Yesterday's VCSE Voices Network meeting was a great reminder of why.

People who work and volunteer in communities have a unique insight into what those communities need. They talk to people every day who are affected by the decisions that are made and the policies that are put in place.

So their input at decision-making boards is vital.

At the Network meeting, VCSE Advocates shared updates from the decision-making boards that they attend and it sparked some really meaningful conversations. We invite colleagues from the sector to attend and be part of these conversations, and it added so much value to the meeting.

It's coproduction and collaboration in action!

It's been just six months since Nova launched the VCSE Voices project and we can't wait to see how it continues to develop. Thank you to our 16 Advocates and all the colleagues that contribute their time and expertise.

Read more about VCSE Voices, how to get involved in the project, and get to know our Advocates on our website.

A group of VCSE Advocates are sat at desks in a bright room, people are turned to look at Dick Davies who is speaking.
Jul 14, 2023

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