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I'm a Nova member, is that different from Third Sector Framework membership?

I'm a Nova member, is that different from Third Sector Framework membership?

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Many of you are Nova members, and some of you may also be members of the Third Sector Framework. One question we get asked a lot is: is there a difference between the two? And what is that difference?

The short answer is yes, there is a difference! Read on for the longer answer …

Both Nova and Third Sector Framework membership are completely free and offer your VCSE organisation some fantastic benefits.

Nova members have access to a whole package of support that will help your organisation to thrive! There a loads of benefits, including:

  • A variety of workshops, funders sessions, networking events, info sessions and other great events
  • Free promotion of your jobs, training and events on our website and platforms
  • Member-only emails offering a first look at funding opportunities, events and more
  • Helpful resources on a variety of topics available on the members area of our website
  • Tailored support from an Adviser around growth and enterprise, and advice addressing any issues your organisation is facing

The Third Sector Framework is different to this. It is a way of distributing funding to VCSE organisations in Wakefield District and is a partnership between a number of organisations. Nova is one of these partners, alongside Wakefield Council, Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership and Young Lives Consortium.

To become a member of the Framework, there is a separate application process to the one you completed online to become a Nova member. The form is slightly longer so the partners can be sure that important checks have been done before funding is allocated. So being a member of the Framework gives commissioners confidence in your organisation, as the due diligence has already been done.

Being a member of the Framework also gives you the chance to:

  • Bid for relevant funding that goes through the Framework.
  • Build the capacity of your organisation or group.
  • Support or be supported by other VCSE organisations, for example, as part of a fiscal sheltering arrangement.
  • Attend exclusive training sessions.
  • And plenty more!

You can find more information about the Framework, including funding that is being distributed in this way at the moment, on the Framework page of the Nova website.

If you've got any questions, you can get in touch at

Jul 20, 2023