Information about

How To Write A Diversity & Inclusion Statement or Policy For Your Organisation

We want our VCSE sector in Wakefield District to feel welcoming and inclusive for everyone, and we’re all responsible for taking steps to make this happen.

This lunch and learn workshop will provide practical guidance on crafting a meaningful diversity and inclusion (D&I) statement or policy for your organisation.

Why Attend?

  • Through interactive discussions and real-world examples, you’ll learn the key components of an effective D&I statement, including language, scope, and inclusivity.
  • By the end of the session, you’ll have the tools and insights necessary to develop a D&I statement that reflects their organisation's commitment to fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

We know that organisations may be hesitant to look at EDI for fear of making mistakes or saying the wrong thing, and we want to reassure you that this is an open space to have conversations and ask questions. EDI is relevant to all of our work, and it’s better to start somewhere than not at all – and writing a D&I statement or policy is a great first step or a chance to review your work.

Workshop Highlights

  • Interactive Session: Engage in discussions led by experienced EDI professionals who work in Wakefield District and understand the local sector.
  • Online: Making it easier for you to fit this workshop into your schedule
  • Actionable: Leave with clear actions to create your policy

Who Should Attend?

This workshop is open to any staff, volunteers and trustees at Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations in Wakefield District. This will include charities, CIC/CIOs and community groups.

About the Trainer

We’re excited to be welcoming Learnest CIC to deliver this workshop. They are a local social enterprise and Nova member organisation, committed to providing high-quality training and consultancy services in the areas of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Their team of experienced facilitators combines expertise with a passion for driving positive social change through education and empowerment. Learnest invest all their profits after costs into Our House, Wakefield’s LGBTQ+ Community space and their flagship community project.

Secure Your Spot Today!

There are 20 spaces available for this workshop, with more workshops coming soon.

For more details or support to register, please contact the Nova Team at or 01924 367418.