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Maternity Stream of Sanctuary Yorkshire and Humber

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New Resource for Communities and Local Businesses On Stopping Child Exploitation

Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnership (WSCP) has launched phase 2 of the Speak Up Stand Up Stop Exploitation Campaign.
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WYCAS Launches The Abacus Project

This exciting initiative is designed to connect skilled individuals with local charities in need of financial management support. Could you benefit?
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Core20PLUS5 Project Update: Incredible impact of supporting people to attend healthcare appointments in Wakefield District

Live Well Wakefield are six months into their brilliant project that's helping local people attend healthcare appointments.
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VCSE Organisations Receive £60k To Boost Neurodivergent Support and Activities for Young Adults in Wakefield District

Live Well Wakefield Small Grants has funded seven local organisations to offer important health and wellbeing support.
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Healthwatch Wakefield want to recruit 100 new members!

These are exciting times for Healthwatch Wakefield, and they would love more people to be involved.
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#TellTracy about Policing and Crime

Consultation on the new Police and Crime Plan has now begun and will run until October 2024.
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Improving the health of people living with severe mental illness in Wakefield District

People living with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) face one of the greatest health equality gaps in England.
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Funding Deadline Extended: Placing Communities At The Centre of Grant-Making

We’re doing things differently for our new funding: giving VCSE organisations the power to decide who and what to fund.

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