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The Prince of Wales Hospice

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Free Licences Available for Mental Health Support System

Brain in Hand is a hybrid support system for people with anxiety-based mental health challenges.
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The Women and Girls Sector Survey is Open

The Women and Girls Sector Survey is now open until Wednesday 24 July.
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Citizen Coin is launched in Wakefield District

A new and unique approach to finding and rewarding volunteers has arrived in Wakefield District.
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Heavy Metal Therapy Launch New Peer Support Group in Castleford

A new mental health peer support group aimed at members of the rock and metal community is about to launch in Castleford.
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Contribute to Research into the Impact of Childhood Trauma

The research seeks to shed light on the potential long-term consequences of these lived experiences.
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Helping someone at risk of becoming homeless

If you or someone you know is at risk of becoming homeless within 56 days, you can contact the Housing Needs Service for help.
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Save The Date for CANCON24: Livin' La Vida Local

Save the date for Wakefield District’s Community Anchor Network Conference – CANCON 2024.

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