The email asks for a response to discuss costs and details about attendees/members.
Please be careful of any emails like this and check which email address they have come from.
Thank you for continuing to flag any spam emails you've received that mention Nova. Our IT Support has confirmed that the emails are coming from a personal mail system and are not attempting to look like they are from Nova's email server. So we encourage you to:
* Update on 30 January 2025 *
We have taken action to prevent scam emails by removing your general contact information from the Nova Member Directory and Third Sector Framework Member Directory on our website, which you previously consented for us to share. The issue is being monitored by our Senior Team.
If you would like to contact a VCSE organisation listed on our website and you cannot find another way to contact them (their own website, phone number, social media), please reach our to the Nova Team using the contact details above and we will be happy to connect you.