Wakefield District VCSE Collaborative Turns 1: Progress and Future Plans
Wakefield District VCSE Collaborative Turns 1: Progress and Future Plans
Feb 25, 2025
min read
Senior leaders across the VCSE and statutory sectors have met regularly to discuss a common vision for the VCSE sector and take practical steps towards it.
Time’s flown since we introduced Wakefield District’s VCSE Collaborative in March 2024 – it’s the top-level strategic meeting focused on the local VCSE sector.
The Collaborative has three clear functions and they’ve made progress on each.
3 Functions of the Collaborative
VCSE Strategy: Develop, implement and monitor a new VCSE strategy for the Wakefield District with mutual ambition and accountabilityfrom all partners.
Third Sector Framework: Provide strategic oversight for priorities and ambitions, while advocating for the Framework’s aims and growth.
VCSE Representation and Oversight: Ensure the VCSE sector is represented and integrated into Wakefield partnerships. Strategic oversight and a route of escalation from other VCSE meetings, shown to the right.
Progress on these functions
The VCSE Collaborative would like to share with you what they’ve been working on:
VCSE Strategy: Actively contributing to the key lines of enquiry that will shape the Wakefield District Plan and involved in the work to implement the Keep It Local approach. This will mean that the new VCSE strategy is not created in isolation, and can build on other local plans that integrate the insights, value and needs of the VCSE sector.
Third Sector Framework: Significant decisions around the development of the Framework, including outcome measures and a new name to support there positioning of the Framework.All helping to ensure this way of allocating VCSE funding is meaningful, efficient and clear for interested VCSE organisations, partners and potential funders. Launch of new name and rebrand coming soon – goodbye ‘third sector’!
VCSE Representation and Oversight: Good progress made through the work listed under VCSE Strategy above. The Collaborative will also be making key decisions on how they will provide strategic oversight for VCSE Voices, reviewing the structures of the boards and strategic groups that VCSE Advocates attend.
More details
Wakefield District Plan
The District Plan covers:
Living healthy lives
Complex lives
Thriving, welcoming and safe communities
An economy that works for everyone
Tackling climate change together
Happy and healthy children
The VCSE Collaborative are involved in Key Lines of Enquiry Groups that have been reviewing current strategies, developing outcomes, and engaging stakeholders in the development work. The Wakefield District Plan is set to be launched at the end of June 2025.
If you are interested in contributing to the work on the Wakefield District Plan or Keep It Local, please email maddy.sutcliffe@nova-wd.org.uk about attending meetings.
Keep It Local
The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership become the first ‘Keep it Local’ ICS in the country last year. This initiative is focused on how the NHS works with its partners to prioritise supporting, partnering with and commissioning local VCSE sector partners.
A key part of this work is a strand around the ICB’s contracting and procurement approach with the VCSE sector. At the moment, there are discussions happening between VCSE leaders; ICB’s contracting, procurement and finance teams; and colleagues who commission services from the VCSE sector on two areas:
Contracts v grants –ensuring we have a shared definition of these and a consistent approach to when a grant or contract is used with VCSE organisations
Social value in contracting and procurement
You’re invited to our meeting on Thursday 27 February if you would like to learn more, ask questions about this work, and contribute your thoughts. Open to all volunteers and staff at VCSE organisations in Wakefield District.
More updates soon
The VCSE Collaborative are hard at work in the background, attending meetings and putting plans in place that will protect and support your VCSE organisation.
We’ll keep sharing updates on key milestones on our website.