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Employment & Skills: Insights from the VCSE sector in Wakefield District

Employment & Skills: Insights from the VCSE sector in Wakefield District

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Wakefield District has an ambition to ensure that all residents have access to good quality employment and training opportunities.

Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) organisations are part of this ambition, working closely with communities across the district and improving their access to employment and training opportunities.

In November 2024, we asked our members about this work, gathering information to help us advocate for the VCSE sector and identify barriers to collaborative working. Thank you to everyone who contributed!

“Our organisation doesn’t get asked about these things because of our size, but it is one area we are keen to explore."

Read the short report (pdf) that provides an insight into:

  • The employment and skills offer in the VCSE sector
  • The role of VCSE organisations in signposting employment and skills initiatives

The findings of the survey were presented by Jane Walton, one of the VCSE Advocates in our VCSE Voices project, to the District’s Employability and Skills Board. Your advocates were successful in getting commitment from Wakefield Council to implement recommendations including:

  • Wider promotion of local employment and skills initiatives - so VCSE organisations across the district have a better understanding of the local offer and can signpost this to people that they are working with
  • Consider VCSE preferences when planning future workshops - so that VCSE organisations can engage and attend at times that suit their capacity

VCSE Advocates are recruited and supported by Nova Wakefield District as part of VCSE Voices. The project improves representation of the VCSE sector at strategic meetings across Wakefield District, providing an opportunity for members of the sector to take part in discussions to improve services so that they meet the needs of people who live in our district.

As a VCSE organisation, your input really helps with this work! If you're interested in talking to Jane and Julius about employment and skills, you can email us at

Jan 16, 2025