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Disability Sport Yorkshire

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Fuelling Positive Change: How to divest from fossil fuels

Our sector works to create a better world. But the climate crisis is threatening the future of our communities.
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Making Your Case for Unrestricted Funding

The Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR) and Cranfield Trust have come together to create a guide for charities looking or applying for unrestricted funding.
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New digital service to find government grants

Find a Grant is a new, digital service that aims to make applying for government grants easier.
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What is ‘My Charity Commission Account’?

The Charity Commission are introducing a new system for accessing your charity details online.
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Get Your Community Craft Bundles from Crafting4Good

Try something new with our member Crafting4Good's Craft Bundles for Community Groups and Organisations.
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Innovative Entrepreneurs Programme: Do you have a new idea?

Innovative Entrepreneurs, an offering from Enterprise West Yorkshire, could help you to turn your idea into a reality through a 9 month programme of support.
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A guide for charity trustees on how to govern in a crisis

Brexit, Covid, the cost-of living, climate change, for anyone tasked with managing risk and making decisions, the past few years have felt like one crisis after another.
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Results from The Big Conversation are OUT!

In late Spring 2022, more than 100 ‘Conversationalists’ had conversations with over 1300 people living, studying, or working in Wakefield District.

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