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Exciting Changes in Our Adviser Team

Exciting Changes in Our Adviser Team

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There's been lots of positive changes in our team and more to come soon!

Julie Baker

Julie Baker, Community & Enterprise Development Manager

First of all, a huge congratulations to our very own Julie Baker who received a well-deserved promotion to Community & Enterprise Development Manager. In this role, Julie will be leading our Adviser team, focusing on...

  • Promoting the development of organisations within the VCSE sector
  • Providing a voice for the VCSE sector and influencing local policies and practices
  • Securing resources for the VCSE sector

Julie will also work closely with Nova’s CEO and Senior Team to encourage good governance, creative partnership working, organisational sustainability and effective staff management.

Martin Brennan

Martin Brennan, Nova Adviser - Community & Enterprise Development

We're delighted to welcome Martin Brennan to our team, who is our new Nova Adviser - Community & Enterprise Development. Martin has a wealth of experience and knowledge, such as setting up food pantries and developing social enterprises, that puts him in a brilliant position to support our members to thrive.

Martin will be supporting community organisations to grow and develop whilst encouraging enterprising approaches to income generation and sustainability. He will be assisting with funding, governance, legal structures, and training.

More changes coming soon...

In the meantime, you can meet the rest of our brilliant Adviser team and find out how they can support your VCSE organisation.

Julie is pictured with another important member of our team, one of our office dogs, Reggie.
Aug 29, 2023