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'Words can hurt': A language guide for gambling harms

'Words can hurt': A language guide for gambling harms

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A helpful short resource for any of our members working to prevent and reduce gambling harms.

This ‘Words can hurt’ language guide for gambling harms is a resource created by the Greater Manchester Combined Authority, in collaboration with Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH), Yorkshire and the Humber and ADPH North East as part of their work to prevent and reduce gambling harms and work independently from the gambling industry.

The guide can be used as a tool to double check your language choices on publications, reports, websites and strategies to ensure language is not stigmatising and frames harm from a population health approach. It may also be useful for those having conversations with individuals experiencing gambling harms, ensuring they are conducted using respectful and sensitive language.

The guide is intended for public health and communication colleagues, but you are welcome to share it further if you feel this would help organisations in your wider network.

Mar 20, 2024