We worked together with other organisations across the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership to support our staff, raise awareness around menopause, and to stamp out the taboo and stigma that exists.
Menopause will affect or has already affected 178,724 women in our district during their lifetime (data from Wakefield Joint Strategic Needs Assessment). The majority of those who have experienced menopause (63%) said they had been negatively affected by it.
Menopause-related symptoms can be debilitating, and without support, many have no choice but to leave their roles.
In a late 2023 survey, 23% of working women aged 40 to 60 considered resigning due to the impact of the menopause.
At Nova, we believe people deserve better. As a sector, we can work towards creating a more supportive and inclusive working environment for everyone.
Our Operations Manager, Natalie, said "Nova’s commitment to this accreditation and the work that this entails demonstrates that we are serious about supporting people experiencing menopause, within our staff team and our membership."
Here's a quick overview of some of the work we've done...
And we're not stopping here! We're going to continue to review and embed menopause support - and other support - into our workplace.
We'd encourage you to start with some training for your team. We regularly advertise workshops on our Events and Training page, or we could run some training for your VCSE organisation - get in touch at events@nova-wd.org.uk
The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, established by Henpicked: Menopause In The Workplace, recognises high standards and proven practices that embrace menopause in the workplace.
The Menopause Friendly Accreditation is industry-recognised and the only accreditation that sets clear standards which must be met, so it's truly meaningful and considered by many as a mark of excellence for menopause in the workplace.
In order to achieve The Menopause Friendly Accreditation, employers are assessed by an Independent Panel and must demonstrate evidence of their effectiveness in six key areas, namely: culture, policies and practices, training, engagement, facilities and evaluation.
West Yorkshire Integrated Care System (ICS) supported 14 organisations that were part of the Menopause Friendly Accreditation, these are: