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Need some inspiration for your Live Well Wakefield Small Grants application?

Need some inspiration for your Live Well Wakefield Small Grants application?

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There's still a few days left to get your application in!

Watch this short video for a great example of how social prescribing can be used to engage people and improve their health and wellbeing...

Live Well Wakefield Small Grants Fund is welcoming applications for a vast range of projects.

Here's what you need to know:

1. Grants of £300 to £8,000 are available to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations to meet health and wellbeing related needs.

Grants should be used to:

  • Support sustainability and build capacity and strength within communities
  • Seek to address inequality and provide opportunities in areas where things have not previously existed
  • Support the development of volunteer opportunities

For example, you could use the grant to:

  • Fund staff time and associated costs to offer additional services where needs have been identified
  • Fund equipment to offer arange of activities to engage people and promote positive physical and mentalwellbeing
  • Address barriers to accessibility e.g. Access Fund for transport

2. Grants will be distributed through Wakefield District's Third Sector Framework so any successful applicants will need to be Framework members.

Don't worry, there's still time to apply to join the Framework! You can learn more about the Framework on our website or by watching this short video.

3. Applications close at 5pm on Friday 14 April 2023.

If you have any questions about the fund, please get in touch at or call us at 01924 367418.

You can find more information on the Funding page of our website.

Apr 12, 2023

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