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Funding Warm Spaces across Wakefield District

Funding Warm Spaces across Wakefield District

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Working with the VCSE sector, we want to make sure that residents can find support within their local community!

In September, we welcomed applications for Warm Spaces Small Grants to support free, warm, and welcoming spaces in communities across the District.

We're thrilled to announce that 25 grants have been awarded to local VCSE organisations across the District.

Warm Spaces are places in your local community where people can gather for free in a warm, safe, welcoming place and enjoy a hot drink or food and some company. Everyone has a right to be warm, so expect a warm welcome from the staff and volunteers when you visit.

Find a list of some of the warm spaces here.

Wakefield Council will continue to add Warm Space venues and their details over the Winter as they become available, so check back for a space local to you.

You can also register your venue as a warm space using the link above.

Nov 18, 2022