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Call for Submissions: 75 years of the NHS and VCSE sector working together!

Call for Submissions: 75 years of the NHS and VCSE sector working together!

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We'd love you to get involved with the next VCSE Power event, celebrating 75 years of the NHS and VCSE sector working together.

We're working with the Harnessing the Power of Communities team on VCSE Power - a quarterly opportunity to collate, showcase and celebrate the good practice, expertise, and outcomes of the VCSE sector working to improve health and wellbeing across West Yorkshire.

The next VCSE Power coincides with the 75th anniversary of the NHS, so the Harnessing the Power of Communities programme would like to mark the occasion by collating an online library of stories, case studies and videos from the VCSE sector to feature on the West Yorkshire Partnership website. This will recognise the key role of the VCSE sector in founding the NHS and in working ever closer together since its inception.

Help us to show how VCSE organisations in Wakefield District have supported the NHS over the years!

We're looking for submissions in the following areas:

  • ‘Then and now’ case studies showing long running VCSE organisations working in our communities (e.g., background and timeline of photos/stories)
  • Stories celebrating long standing VCSE staff and volunteers
  • Case studies that celebrate the 75th anniversary of Windrush and diversity of our health and care system
  • Case studies of the social impact and positive health and wellbeing changes elicited within our communities over the years through the work of the VCSE sector
  • Celebrating how it feels like now for the VCSE sector and NHS working together and moving forwards – aims and ambitions of the VCSE for future positive change

We appreciate any contribution you can make - it could be a newsletter, photo, infographic, poster, case study or something else.

If you'd like to get involved and showcase your organisation, please contact (Programme Support Officer for the Harnessing the Power of Communities Programme) by Monday 26 June.

This is a brilliant chance to celebrate and promote your organisation. Some submissions will be shared on Twitter through through the @WYPartnership handle using the #VCSEPower hashtag throughout the week commencing 3 July.

Jun 16, 2023