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Bring Me To Life Women's Wellness Hub Grand Opening

Bring Me To Life Women's Wellness Hub Grand Opening

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Nova Member, Bring Me To Life, are really excited to be able to invite you to the grand opening of their NEW women's wellness hub situated in The Ridings Centre on International Women's Day!

Congratulations to Bring Me To Life -Women's Wellness CIC for this incredible achievement. Go along to the opening on Wednesday 8 March to:

  • Meet the staff/volunteers
  • Find out more about Bring Me to Life - what they do and what they have coming up
  • Make connections with other like-minded women
  • Show support to a local non-profit that's supporting local Wakefield women to THRIVE!
  • They'll also be giving away FREE wellbeing packs to those who get down early!

Feb 21, 2023