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SARAG - Yorkshire and Humberside Asbestos Support Group

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Employment & Skills: Insights from the VCSE sector in Wakefield District

Wakefield District has an ambition to ensure that all residents have access to good quality employment and training opportunities.
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How To Get Involved with the NHS 10 Year Plan

We need your support to help make sure the VCSE sector's voice is heard in the development of the NHS 10 year plan.
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Citizen Coin Is The Go-To Platform To Find Volunteers

Citizen Coin is now the place to advertise your volunteering opportunities in Wakefield District and reward your volunteers.
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New Three Year Grants to Support Wakefield City Centre Communities

Grants of £10,000 to £25,000 per year are available through the Third Sector Framework, funding VCSE organisations that support communities with the highest deprivation and poorest health outcomes in Wakefield City Centre.
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Challenging Plans To Increase Employer National Insurance for VCSE Organisations

It’s becoming more and more challenging for VCSE organisations to keep delivering their services that support and enrich communities.
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Join the new West Yorkshire Allyship Network

Are you passionate about justice and equality? Do you want to be part of a movement that creates real, lasting change?
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Join Us In Looking Back, Moving Forward: Our AGM 23-24

Join our AGM to hear a recap of our year, explore the challenges our sector is facing, and network with Nova Members and partners.

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