Asda Foundation recognises the importance of having safe and accessible outdoor spaces in communities across the UK, so this year Asda Foundation will be providing up to £500,000 of grant funding to help grassroots groups improve or transform their local outdoor community spaces.
Whether it’s cleaning up a green space, delivering collaborative growing projects or transforming an unused area for local people to use, the Outdoor Community Spaces Fund can be used to create or enhance an outdoor space near you.
The application window for this grant may close early if the total budget is reached.
This grant is for projects which meet at least one of the following aims:
*Grants for community clear ups only will be capped at £500.
The Booster Fund supports new and existing community businesses in England that are at all stages of a community share issue.
The Foyle Foundation is an independent grant making trust that distributes grants to VCSE organisations.
These grants are designed to support charities, especially those working at grass roots and local community level, in any field, across a wide range of activities.