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New Funding: Live Well Wakefield Small Grants

New Funding: Live Well Wakefield Small Grants

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Live Well Wakefield Small Grants is open for applications, and this time we’re offering grants up to £10,000 with possibility of two year funding!


Live Well Wakefield is a social prescribing service that empowers people to access resources in their communities that will enable them to feel happier and healthier. These grants support this service, funding VCSE organisations to:

  • Develop new community services which respond to gaps identified within communities.
  • Increase the sustainability of existing grassroots community services.
  • Scale up existing provision to meet demand.

This round of funding will fund provision around:

  • Neurodivergent support – specifically Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Support services and groups may help with pre and/or post diagnosis.
  • Social and/or wellbeing activities for younger adults (18-30) – these activities would predominantly be outside of normal working hours and not focus exclusively on physical activity.

These grants are for VCSE organisations working in Wakefield District. We welcome applications from voluntary groups, community groups, sports clubs, leisure clubs, charities, community interest companies, limited companies, and social enterprises.

Full details on themes, requirements and eligibility can be found on our website.

What funding is available?

Grants of up to £10,000 are available. We'll consider applications for two years of funding (maximum of £10,000 per year) where you can demonstrate how this supports long term sustainability, clear evaluation methods, and an existing relationship with Live Well Wakefield.

Looking for more information or support?

We’re holding two information sessions where you can learn more about the fund, how to apply and ask any questions. Register here:

We also have several slots left in June where you can get free specialist support from a Nova Adviser, including on your funding application.

How can you apply?

Applications close at 12pm on Monday 1 July.

This fund will be distributed through the Third Sector Framework, a partnership approach developed locally to distribute funding and other capacity building support to the VCSE sector. So to apply for this funding, you need to:

  • Apply to become a member of the Framework, if you are not already one.
  • Complete the funding application.

You can do this through Nova’s online platform. Watch our short video to learn how to create an account and get started ⬇️

Any questions?

Please read through the Supporting Information document on our website and attend an information session. If you have any questions, please contact:

Or give us a call on 01924 367418!

Jun 3, 2024