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Call for Submissions: Examples of working with children, young people and families

Call for Submissions: Examples of working with children, young people and families

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The West Yorkshire Children, Young People and Families Programme continuously look to showcase and celebrate the work which is happening across West Yorkshire to improve lives and outcomes for children, young people and their families and to share the experiences of our population.

Some of you may also remember that they created a 12 days of Christmas advent last year. This was to showcase the fantastic work which was happening across West Yorkshire to improve the lives and futures of Children and Young People.

The West Yorkshire Children, Young People and Families Programme would love to do this again this year with the potential of extending it to the 25 day Christmas advent event.

Have you done something in your local area or organisation which will improve the lives and futures of children, young people and their families across West Yorkshire? They want to hear about it!

Send the West Yorkshire Children, Young People and Families Programme across information about pieces of work you are proud to own with a related image and they will aim to include it within the 25 days of Christmas advent.

The deadline for content for this is Monday 27 November, ready for the first day to be shared on Friday 1 December.  

If you have items which you wish to share for the 25 days of Christmas advent event, please send them to

Nov 1, 2023