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An Update from Helen, our Third Sector Framework Support Officer

An Update from Helen, our Third Sector Framework Support Officer

Helen Betts

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It’s a busy couple of months for the Third Sector Framework, with 2 funding opportunities currently open!

1. Menopause & Me

Funding VCSE organisations to deliver district-wide menopause support for local women. Funding of around £3,000, closing Monday 1 May.

2. Emotional and Mental Wellbeing

Funding existing Framework members to deliver community solutions that help people to access mental health support in the community as early as possible, with a specific focus on connecting people to green spaces. Funding of £1,000 to £10,000, closing Tuesday 2 May.

You can find more information about all of these on our funding page.

First TSF Workshop

Last month we delivered our first Framework workshop on ‘Becoming Contract Ready’, free and exclusive for TSF members. It was a fantastic day, and the feedback we received was brilliant:

“Gave an excellent insight into contracts as opposed to grant funding.”
“Loved the mock contract work – very thought provoking and extremely relevant to our current organisational situation.”
Three people sat together smiling and chatting at our first Third Sector Framework workshop.

If you’re interested in coming along to the next workshop, or if you have any questions about the Framework, do get in touch!

Apr 17, 2023

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