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Leeds Gypsy and Traveller Exchange

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Emergency Alert Test on Sunday 23 April

The Cabinet Office has announced that the UK-wide test of the public Emergency Alerts system will take place at 3pm on Sunday 23 April.
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Free funding? Now that’s unexpected

Recent times have told us to expect the unexpected, and in the current climate, what is more unexpected than free funding? 
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Need some inspiration for your Live Well Wakefield Small Grants application?

There's still a few days left to get your application in!
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New contact number for the Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub

The West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub has opened a new message-taking phone service.
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Space to Thrive Report

Locality's new report explores role of community spaces in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people across England.
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Help Map the Mental Health Sector

The Association of Mental Health Providers is developing a mapping tool that shows service providers across the country, add your organisation!
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We're a "Best Not for Profit Working in Partnership with the NHS" Finalist!

At the HSJ Awards on 23 March, the Future Selph Wakefield project was a finalist for the "Best Not for Profit Working in Partnership with the NHS" category!
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Calling all Volunteer Managers!

The Volunteer Managers Network is a monthly meeting, bringing together people from VCSE organisations who work with or support volunteers. Is this you or one of your colleagues?

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