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Interested in working with Sanctuary Seekers?

Interested in working with Sanctuary Seekers?

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Wakefield District City of Sanctuary would love to work with your organisation!

What's a Sanctuary Seeker?

Sanctuary seekers are asylum seekers & refugees.

Working with WDCoS

All local groups and volunteers interested in working with sanctuary seekers are invited to get in touch with Dick Davies. 

Dick, who works with the Wakefield District City of Sanctuary (WDCoS), represents the local VCSE sector working with sanctuary seekers to formal bodies such as the Home Office and public services.

There is a region-wide gathering open to all people working with sanctuary seekers coming up on 6 July in Leeds, contact Dick for the details.

If you'd like to collaborate or be informed of the work that WDCoS are doing, please email Dick at

Apr 19, 2023