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Disability Sport Yorkshire

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#TellTracy about Policing and Crime

Consultation on the new Police and Crime Plan has now begun and will run until October 2024.
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Improving the health of people living with severe mental illness in Wakefield District

People living with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) face one of the greatest health equality gaps in England.
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Funding Deadline Extended: Placing Communities At The Centre of Grant-Making

We’re doing things differently for our new funding: giving VCSE organisations the power to decide who and what to fund.
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How to improve access to social prescribing for people with severe mental illnesses?

Researchers at University College London are interviewing stakeholders to understand how access to social prescribing can be improved for people with severe mental illnesses.
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Report on the older people’s mental health inpatient services consultation

South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board have received the independent report of findings from the older people’s mental health inpatient services consultation.
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Feedback to Shape West Yorkshire's EDI Strategy

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership wants an inclusive and fairer West Yorkshire.
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Offer to Write Up Case Studies for Your VCSE Organisation

New Local are keen to work with you on a case study about community voice in decision-making; focusing on community strengths; or shifting organisational culture.
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Find recommended services on the Trustee Services Directory

An initiative from Getting on Board specifically aimed at charity trustees to find the services their organisations need.

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