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DIAL Wakefield

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It's the 25th anniversary of Refugee Week!

2023 is the 25th anniversary of Refugee Week; a time to celebrates the contributions of the UK’s refugee and asylum seeking community, and to raise awareness as to why people seek sanctuary.
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Have Your Say: Wakefield District Local Plan 2036

Wakefield Council is undertaking a consultation on the Main Modifications to the Wakefield District Local Plan 2036.
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Want to apply for the King’s Award for Voluntary Service?

The King's Award for Voluntary Service is the highest award a VCSE organisation can achieve and the equivalent of an MBE.
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Over £130,000 of Live Well Wakefield Small Grants funding awarded to local VCSE organisations!

We're so pleased to announce that over £130,000 was awarded to local Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise organisations in Round 14 of Live Well Wakefield Small Grants.
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Wakefield District Volunteer Celebration Event Roundup

Wakefield District Volunteer Managers Network held a Celebration Event on 7 June for Volunteers' Week! Here's how it went...
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Preventing suicide: Communication, support and follow-up

Watch the short film created for health and care staff, including VCSE colleagues.
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Call for Evidence: Mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse

The Home Office has issued a call for evidence on the mandatory reporting of child sexual abuse.
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Free funding for your good cause!

Over £1.2million in free, unrestricted funding has just been paid to VCSE organisations via funding platform easyfundraising.

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