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Sign the letter to the PM | Small charities need more support

Sign the letter to the PM | Small charities need more support

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Sign the letter to the Prime Minister by 5pm on Wednesday 21 June.

Many small charities have told NCVO they are considering closing or stopping services as the tide of demand threatens to overwhelm while financial pressures continue to mount.
Alongside all their lobbying work on this, NCVO are helping small charities write to the Prime Minister to outline the challenges. As part of Small Charity Week 2023, the team are gathering as many signatures as possible for the letter which will be delivered to No. 10 this Thursday.

We hope larger charities will show their solidarity by also signing this letter.

The sector can only be strengthened by working together and appreciating that we all have our role to play in supporting communities across the country and beyond.

Sign the letter to the Prime Minister by 5pm on Wednesday 21 June!

Jun 20, 2023

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