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Funding Opportunity: Counselling Services for Future Selph

Funding Opportunity: Counselling Services for Future Selph

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Young people’s low-level mental health needs have an ongoing detrimental impact on their general wellbeing and wider life goals. Future Selph empowers them to overcome these challenges.

We're thrilled to welcome applications from VCSE organisations to provide counselling services for Future Selph (Wakefield 16-25 Project), a service managed and operated by Conexus Healthcare CIC.

This funding is over two years, with £9,000 available for the first year, and an indicative budget of £17,000 to £20,000 available for the second year.

The counselling services for 16-25 year olds will largely be delivered in a face-to-face manner. Interventions will be driven by a co-production ethos that allows counselling staff and young adults to share responsibility in decision making and steer the work.  

How do you apply?

Funding will be distributed through an open and transparent process, Wakefield District's Third Sector Framework, so any successful applicants will need to be Framework members.

You can apply for this Future Selph funding by:

  1. Applying to join the Third Sector Framework, if your organisation is not already a member.
  2. Completing the Future Selph Application Form and returning it to

Applications close at 5pm on Friday 7 July 2023.

If you have any questions about the fund, please get in touch at or call us at 01924 367418.

You can find more information on the Funding page of our website.

Jun 20, 2023