UK Under-26 Fund

UK Under-26 Fund

The Steel Charitable Trust

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Funding Available:
£10,000 per year

Funding Information

This fund aims to improve outcomes for children and young people in different parts of the UK (regardless of their nationality, culture or ethnic origin) who are wholly or mainly under 26 years of age. The overarching focus is on creating educational and/or access opportunities for young people in circumstances, groups or locations that face economic challenges or social marginalisation that may lead to significant disadvantages in later life.

All grants awarded will be for restricted funding. However, you can request specifically stated running or capital costs, such as contributions to a salary for a named role, detailed IT upgrades or a building renovation. New project costs or contributions towards on-going projects or programmes are also permitted.

Grants awarded could be one-off or, in some cases, multi-year; multi-year grants are rarely awarded for more than three years.

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