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What's new with the Third Sector Framework?

What's new with the Third Sector Framework?

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Here's a quick update from our Project Support Officer, Helen Betts.

We were delighted to welcome 5 new Third Sector Framework members in February and March. This takes our total members to 75! You can find out more about the Framework on our website:

On 9 March we delivered our first Framework workshop, free and exclusive for Framework members. We welcomed the fantastic Grainne Cuerden, who spoke about Becoming Contract Ready, covering key components of a contract, outcomes, outputs and KPIs, essential policies, quality assurance, contract monitoring and so much more! Watch out for future training opportunities on our webpage or follow us on Twitter @tsframework

And finally, after successfully distributing £88,326 to local VCSE organisations through the Framework in a previous round, the new round of Live Well Wakefield Small Grants is being distributed through the Framework. Find out more on our website and apply for a grant.

We will be advertising more funding opportunities through the Framework in the coming weeks, so watch this space…

Attendees at the Framework workshop in March 2023.
Mar 14, 2023