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Ways to get involved with West Yorkshire Voice

Ways to get involved with West Yorkshire Voice

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West Yorkshire Voice was launched on 1 March to ensure that the voice of people and communities is heard by decision makers in the region.

Healthwatch Leeds (the independent health and social care champion) coordinates West Yorkshire Voice on behalf of West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership.

West Yorkshire Voice want to build on all the great work already taking place in local areas. They will link into existing networks and groups and be a platform for you to share the views and experiences of people that you work with. We want groups and organisations to be involved in a way that works for them. Some of the ways you can get involved include:

  • Sharing the experiences of health and care from the community that you work with.
  • Having a spotlight on your group/community to highlight their health and care experiences.
  • Holding the Integrated Care Board (ICB) (NHS decision making body in West Yorkshire) to account. E.g., meet and share experiences with decision makers.
  • Profiling any reports, videos, or relevant materials that you would like us to.

If you work for an organisation/community group, it would be helpful if you could let WYV know which communities you work with by completing this quick form

Jun 8, 2023